Wake up with SCBWN, Finding your inner confidence with Carren Smith
Tuesday, 11th August | 7:30am - 8:30am
Open to members and guests
Free of charge event
(Once you have registered you will receive an email with the Zoom viewing link)
As a business woman making your mark on the world does not come without its challenges. Over and over we hear our members talk about their hopes and dreams and yet the number one thing that holds them back from achievement is… confidence.
Many women equate confidence with being bold, brash and pushy. We have been through all the training courses that have told us to ‘fake it until we make it’ and we have learnt all the sales techniques that are sold to us as the silver bullet for success. Yet using them makes us feel nervous, anxious or defeated.
The honest truth is that you have all the confidence you need! And we want to help you find it, strengthen it and turn it into your secret weapon.
On Tuesday 11th August, Carren Smith, one of Australia’s most exciting and dynamic motivational speakers, joins us to share with you her extensive experience in seeking your inner truth and sharing it with the world.
As a survivor of the 2002 Bali Bombing, along with many other challenges which include the suicide of her De Facto and the personal impact of the 2004 Tsunami on her family, Carren’s comprehension of value, time, creativity and the meaning of life, charges her presentations with passion, credibility and a deep and genuine commitment to extraordinary achievements for people.
Carren will help you identify your own authentic style so that you can connect with people in a way that is true to you, allowing you to walk into your next networking event or meeting with finesse. Carren is a firm believer that your presence and your message is a gift to the world, and her presentation will inspire you to take the steps you need to overcome your inner fears to achieve your greatest potential.
Carren has an extensive background in both the corporate and small business world and on Tuesday her message will be targeted at helping you achieve your business success.
This online e-vent is one that will change your life.
Register now to receive your Zoom link and we will ‘see’ you on Tuesday 11th August at 7.30am.