Powerful Mentor Program ..

5 Nov 2017 9:34 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Provides opportunity to transform life and business

What do you get when you bring together an enthusiastic group of 20 budding business owners, nearly 20 high calibre guest speakers and acclaimed business mentors, more than 15 hot business topics and a coordinator to make it all happen over a 13 week period?

Why, it’s the Sunshine Coast Business Women’s Network ‘Reflections Business Mentoring Program’ of course!

Garland Waddington is enjoying being part of this year’s dynamic and interactive mentoring program through providing mentor support and also a guest presentation on business and commercial law.

Partner at Garland Waddington, Brendan Bathersby, said the program is an excellent opportunity for Mentees to be matched with popular, skilled and accomplished Mentors who are excited about supporting and challenging their Mentees.

“It’s a privilege to be part of such a well-coordinated program,” Mr Bathersby said.

“The Mentees are all very keen and enthusiastic. Many of the Mentors are recognised nationally with some being well-known internationally in the business world with most of the Guest Speakers being international presenters”

The program includes a schedule of hot topics including (but not limited to): understanding your purpose, both life planning and business planning; having the right people in your team; team health and wellness; power of positive mindset; taking your business from ‘home-based’ to a ‘global enterprise’; maximising sales; understanding the success formula; how to handle basic HR & IR issues; systems; growth; legal requirements and structures; time management and understanding your finances. The mentees are using each week a fantastic workbook “Transform Life & Business – 140 characters at a time” which covers many aspects of real life insights into life and business.

Mr Bathersby said that the Mentees are particularly dedicated to their own success and to the success of others.

“It’s humbling to be working with such a remarkable group of career-focussed people and budding business owners,” Mr Bathersby said. “Many of the Mentees have been in a particular career or business for a while but they are keen to diversify, start a new project or kick start their business in order to make their business even better.” The mentees have all expressed the significance that this program has had on their life and business from the opportunities and knowledge provided to them by the Mentors and Guest Speakers over 13 weekly sessions every Monday afternoon.

“The SCBWN are to be commended on the program and the opportunity it provides for its members. It truly is a program designed for successful businesses seeking to grow and take things to the next level or anyone wanting to improve upon their career development.”

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