Member Spotlight

7 Oct 2017 10:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Kristi & Melinda of Iron Fit Australia

With so many different styles of training on the market these days, it’s hard to choose where to go and who to join. Our mission is to eradicate the need to choose between the different styles such as X Fit, F45, Commercial, Power Lifting, Bootcamp, All female, CoEd and lots more. Where do you even begin?!

We got to ask the lovely ladies Kristi and Melinda, the directors and trainers, of Iron Fit Australia to answer some questions for us.

Why did you join the SCBWN?

Melinda and I met in 2012 at a gym in Brisbane and we’ve been inseparable since. It was always our dream to help other women and this was the foundation to which we designed Iron Fit Australia. Joining the SCBWN is another way for us to be able to expand our networking with other entrepreneurial women.

What has been happening in your business lately?

Our dream was to run a fitness facility where we could always be giving back to the local community. We have only been open 3 weeks and already we have been working on our first 12 week Charity Challenge, teaming up with the Beautiful You Program who help local women and their families dealing with cancer. We will be choosing a different local charity to support with every challenge we run at Iron Fit Australia. Our first challenge starts on the 1st of July 2017.

Who are you currently wanting to connect with?

We’d like to connect with as many different women from all walks of life. Melinda and I have been Personal Trainers for many years and we have worked with a lot of people. Every client comes to us with a different life story or challenge. We love listening to what people have been through and what their dreams are and helping them to overcome past events to ensure a better future towards their goals.

Do you have an offer for our members?

Absolutely, we would love to offer all SCWBN a 14 day no obligation trial with us. This entitles them to over 25 classes per week plus 2 Iron Kids classes for their children aged 5-13. Classes range of Ironfit, Metafit, Boxing, Yoga and more.

Who are you and what do you do?

Kristi – I am a 37 year old sole parent to a beautiful 7 year old daughter. What I do, is aim to help women achieve their best. I was picked on at school for being “fat/chubby” and I never saw my beauty, even though people pointed it out to me in later years. I since learnt this to be something called “Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD ” and my aim is to help women, young and mature, to overcome this not only by physical training but by the mental and emotional willpower they gain from doing things they never imagined they could.

Melinda – I am a wife to a wonderful and supportive husband and a mum to our three beautiful daughters. My goal in life is to make our girls feel like they are capable of achieving  anything they want to be or set their minds on. To treat their bodies with respect by living a healthy active lifestyle with balance. It’s because of my girls that I became a personal trainer, I wanted to help other women to start believing in themselves to have positive body imagines and to achieve their goals whatever they may be.

Favourite place on the Sunshine Coast?

Kristi  – Oh so many, I love nothing more than a cabin the hinterland in winter with a log fire and spa and in the warmer months I love relaxing at Happy Valley with my daughter or finding new cafes for breakfast.

Melinda – My favourite place on the coast has to be the Beach ( of course) I love every single beach we have on this beautiful coastline but Currimundi is one of our Favourite family beaches to go.

Who inspires you and why?

Kristi – Besides my mum, who will help anyone at any time, I would have to say other sole parents out there, especially entrepreneurial sole parents. Raising a child as a sole parent is a tough gig! I’m so grateful I have my parents and my sister who help me out when ever I need but I know some sole parents don’t have that and I totally respect what they are doing for their kids. I want these parents to know that it’s ok to ask for help and it’s ok to put themselves first sometimes. Happy parents = happy children.

Melinda – I don’t have one person who inspires me more over another really. I feel that everyone we meet, who we choose to let be a part of our lives gives us something different, all the ladies I have trained over the years who have overcome adversity pushed through barriers achieved goals they thought were not possible Inspire me.

What does success mean to you?

Kristi – Success to me means being able to provide the best lifestyle for my daughter and I. For me that is creating a career that allows me to attend her concerts and school events and for me to have the balance of being able to not have to be chained to a desk 5 days a week. Success to me also means helping other women achieve their health and fitness goals and watching them grow from their achievements.

Melinda – Success to me is setting a goal and taking the steps to plan and achieve that goal.

One wish?

Kristi – Just one is hard, haha. I would definitely wish for our children and their children and so on to be able to live in a war free world, a world without fear. And also, for food manufacturing companies to think more about what they are putting into our foods, let’s get back to basics and stop the epidemic of not only obesity but disease through our food.

Melinda – My one wish would be for no child to go hungry

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