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President, Min Swan, discusses the year so far and how we can make the most of our time

4 Oct 2022 8:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

There is much to talk about 2022 being over with the Christmas countdown well and truly started, but there is still time to make an impact this year. If this is the gentle reminder (or slightly more forceful push) you need to stop and think about what you want to achieve before the 31st December deadline of 2022, than I am happy to oblige.

Three months to go, so let's ask ourselves:

  • Is there a game changing project that you keep putting off, because of lack of time, that you could you make a priority?
  • Have you stopped and looked at the goals or intentions you started the year with and worked out if any of them need a boost; or, just as powerfully, deleted from the list and/or moved to next year?
  • Have you acknowledged how far you have come and whether you can in fact take your foot off the pedal a little and create space elsewhere in your world?
  • Do you actually need to take a holiday now to rejuvenate before a big end of year, or retail/hospitality season? Or schedule some holidays for something to look forward to?
  • In fact, has life totally and completely changed for you and you hadn't noticed that your world needs a complete redefinition?
  • Have you met your personal or professional growth goals, or is there a course, coach or book that you could make happen before end of year that will tick that box for you?

Let's not waste and precious time limping into the end of the year, and instead lets make it count!

I have been reflecting on my relationship with 'time' lately after feeling like it was mastering me versus the other way around. I have been reminded by people close to me having life changing circumstances that made time stand still, that it is so incredibly precious and yet for some reason many of us don't treat it the way we could. Last week I took stock of this and made my world stop by escaping with my 9 year old and 5 year old to the beaches of Northern NSW. For a whole delicious 5 days' time was slower and I realised how important that was for me to be the best version of me possible. I absolutely love being  business owner and having a full and fulfilling schedule. I am proud of the juggling act I play and I wouldn't change a thing. And sometimes, I realise how empowering it is to stop, take a breath and turn time into currency that I trade for the things that are most important to me in any given moment.

So my invitation for you, is to work out how the investment of your time could be game changing for you leading into 2023.

As a network we are so incredibly grateful for the investment of time our members make in us. From attending our large monthly events, guest speaking at our events, joining us for coffee morning, hearing from our 2022 award recipients at the new Sunset Stories and Social events, to engaging on our social platforms and supporting other members through their trials, tribulations and successes - all of it is so appreciated. And to all those that took the time to enter the 2022 Sunshine Coast Business Woman of the Year Awards - thank you! We know the time investment is immense and we truly hope you found the return commensurate. Congratulations to all of those that were nominated, entered and became finalists. Of course I would also like to welcome our 2022 award recipients to the SCBWN family - Kate, Kellie, Bronte, Paula, Tanya and Susan - we are excited to share your stories over the coming year.

With a huge line-up of events, soirees, and celebrations on the horizon, I truly look forward to seeing you before the year is out and please let me know if you have decided to make a different investment of your time because of this ever so gentle prod.

In celebration,

Min Swan


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