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Sunshine Coast Business Women's Network

The 2024 Awards Gala was truly a memorable night. With over 340 people joining us at the Maroochydore RSL the night presented a wonderful opportunity to learn and celebrate together, some of the Sunshine Coast’s most incredible women.

This years celebration was incredibly special as we celebrated the annual award programs 25th year. Can you believe it’s 25 years of supporting and celebrating women to achieve in business! So many of you will know a woman who has participated or even won an award over this time and have probably even witnessed how these awards have impacted their business journey.

Each year I am overwhelmed with the calibre of nominees and finalists. My most sincere congratulations to the incredible winners for 2024:

  • Micro Small Business Woman of the Year – Teneille Newton, Noosa Black Garlic - sponsored by University of the Sunshine Coast
  • Sustainable Business Woman of the Year – Jodi Salmond, Reef Check Australia - sponsored by Sunshine Coast Council
  • Corporate Business Woman of the Year – Rochelle Callard, NumberWorks'nWords Sippy Downs - sponsored by BOQ Maroochydore
  • Professional Business Woman of the Year – Katherine Nichols, Comlink Australia - sponsored by Pacific Ford
  • Young Business Woman of the Year – Samantha Rillie, Real Life Skills Support Services - sponsored by Bishopp Outdoor Advertising
  • Outstanding Business Woman of the Year – Jenny Lawson, Successful Grants sponsored by Pacific Law

To our outgoing finalists who passed the coveted trophies on - Thank you for shining so brightly this last year and always. You have represented yourselves and our brand so proudly over the last 12 months and we continue to celebrate and partner with you as you too progress to the next phase of your journey, as an award alumni.

A very special mention must go to Michelle Hamer, our independent judging chair. Michelle is in her 15th year in the role which is a wonderful representation of her commitment to our network and the growth of women across our beautiful community.

To mark Michelle’s magnificent milestone and selfless contribution, the committee and I supported by immediate past president Min, announced the “SCBWN Michelle Hamer Alumi Award”, awarded to Michelle in this inaugural year, the perpetual trophy sponsored by Sinclair Property Group will be awarded to a woman that maintains a connection (even if long distance) with SCBWN through the Alumni Program and continues to be a beacon for the positive celebration and empowerment of women to achieve in business. 

The executive committee worked diligently over recent months to bring the gala together. Lead by event chair Julia Jones Walker, I’d like to thank these ladies for all they continue to do for our members. I’d also like to once again acknowledge our incredible sponsors, who continue to support our members and broader community year after year.

Progress as we know is the forward or onward movement towards a destination. And as our finalists take another step in their journey, making progress step by step, I encourage you our membership community to get behind them and support their business. Connect with them on LinkedIn, follow their business page, celebrate all they do and look for ways to collaborate. After all, that’s what is special about this glorious network - we support each other.

To all our nominees and finalists, don’t let the awards outcomes of this year impact your future self. Use the learnings, the reflection and the strategic work you did throughout the awards process to continue moving forward. I have no doubt I will see your name shining bright as we progress through the business journey together.

Lastly, I’d like to acknowledge some of our event partners who’s contribution makes these awards possible. Annika and the WHI team, Natalie from Etch & Co and Barry from Eyes Wide Open Images, we appreciate your continued support.

Keep your eyes out on socials for all the beautiful photos, and don’t forget to connect with each other.

I look forward to seeing you soon,


Congratulations to our 2024 Award Recipients!

Micro Small Business Woman of the Year – Teneille Newton, Noosa Black Garlic - sponsored by University of the Sunshine Coast

Sustainable Business Woman of the Year – Jodi Salmond, Reef Check Australia - sponsored by Sunshine Coast Council

Corporate Business Woman of the Year – Rochelle Callard, NumberWorks'nWords Sippy Downs - sponsored by BOQ Maroochydore

Professional Business Woman of the Year – Katherine Nichols, Comlink Australia - sponsored by Pacific Ford

Young Business Woman of the Year – Samantha Rillie, Real Life Skills Support Services - sponsored by Bishopp Advertising

Outstanding Business Woman of the Year – Jenny Lawson, Successful Grants

sponsored by Pacific Law


View more photos of the 22nd Annual Awards Gala on our Facebook page. 

Celebrating 20 Years of Outstanding Business Women

Honouring those who have gone before us and leading the way for those to come forth and shine, the Sunshine Coast Business Women's Network celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Business Women's Awards in 2018. We are honoured to share our proud history in this wonderful feature publication made possible by our Executive Committee Member Lizzie Henebery in partnership with the talented and dedicated team at My Weekly Preview.



View more photos on our Facebook Page!


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